Logging in and starting a session


This article steps you through the process of logging into and out of Mission Room.

Before you start make sure that you have started up your  Mission Room system and that it is running properly.

Turn on the handset

Press and hold the power button on the handset.

Unlock the handset - the precise method of doing this depends on the handset model and version of Android it is running

Start the Mission Handset software

Press the the "Mission Handset" icon in the centre of the desktop. The mission handset software will start-up and attempt to connect to the Mission Room PC.

When it successfully connects you will be given two log in options: Guest and User

Note: If your handset fails to connect to Mission Room follow this link to find possible solutions

Log in as Guest

Press the ‘User’ button on the log in screen. If you are the first to log in, you will be assigned as session leader and will be presented with a list of projects from which to select.

Log in as User

Press on the ‘User’ button on the log in screen. You will be presented with a list of users.

Choose a user by clicking an item on the list.

Click the ‘log in’ button at the bottom of the screen to log in, or click ‘cancel’ to return to the previous screen.

The first person to log in will be assigned the status of ‘session leader’.

What is a Session?

A session is a project or a group of projects that are launched by a set of user at a particular time.

What is a Session Leader?

The session leader is responsible for running the session and controlling options during the session that require single user input . These include choosing projects, navigating through menus or pausing and playing videos.

All users can use their handsets to answer questions or add icons.

Choose a Project

Choose a project by clicking on item in the Project List. Some options in the list are folders which when clicked will open to reveal further options. Click the ‘Back’ button to navigate to previously selected screens.

Start a session

As session leader you will have to decide when to start the session. If you are the only user simply click the ‘Start Session’ button when you are ready.

However, if you are running a session that involves multiple users, ensure all users are logged in and ready before clicking the ‘Start Session’ button.

You are now running Mission Room. Simply follow the instructions that are presented to you.